How to install Yellowdig and configure grading
How to LTI-create your Yellowdig Community
How to install Yellowdig and configure grading
Do not create multiple graded assignment links. This will create significant grade passback problems for your Community that could be difficult or impossible to reverse. For more information, see our LTI FAQ.
1.Request your LMS Key and Secret from an Organization Administrator who belongs to your Organization. If you do not know who to contact, please reach out to Do not accept Keys and Secrets from Administrators who do not belong to your institutional or departmental Organization.
2. In your Course page, navigate to Site Info → Manage Tools. Then check the External Tool box, scroll down, and click Continue.
3. In the Title field on the next screen, enter "Yellowdig". Then click Continue.
4. On the next screen, click Finish.
5. Finally, click the Submit button. (These steps are demonstrated in the GIF below. To see it clearly, you may need to zoom in on your browser.)
Please click here if you're unable to watch the video above.
6. Click on the new Yellowdig link in the left-hand navigation. This will take you to a screen that says "This tool has not yet been configured."
7. Click on the Edit button in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. This will take you to a tool configuration form.
8. We recommend filling out the form as follows. Items marked with an asterisk must be filled out in accordance with our recommendations in order for Yellowdig to install properly. In order to pass back grades from Yellowdig to Sakai, you must fill out the Routing Grades to the Gradebook section at this stage of the process. (Note: To accommodate iOS and Safari 13+ users, for whom opening Yellowdig in an iFrame may be impossible, we strongly recommend checking "Open in a New Window".)
- Required Information
- *Remote Tool URL:
- *Remote Tool Key: [your organization LTI key]
- *Remote Tool Secret: [your organization LTI secret]
- Display Information
- Set Button Text: Yellowdig
- Set Tool Title: Yellowdig
- Choose an Icon for this Tool: [leave blank]
- Routing grades to the Gradebook
- Create Gradebook Item: Yellowdig
- Select Gradebook Item: [keep default]
- Optional Launch Information
- Open in a New Window: [check]
- iFrame Height: [leave blank]
- Enable SHA-256 Signatures: [leave blank]
- Debug Launch: [leave blank]
- Releasing Roster Information
- *Send Names to External Tool: [check]
- *Send Email Addresses to the External Tool: [check]
- Allow the External Tool to Retrieve the Course Roster: [uncheck]
- Storing Tool Settings
- Allow the External Tool to Store and Retrieve its Settings: [uncheck]
- Splash Screen
- This text will be displayed...: [leave blank]
- You can add a series...: [leave blank]
9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Options. 10. To include Yellowdig points in students' final grade calculations, go to the Gradebook, select the small down arrow in the corner of the "Yellowdig" box, select "Edit Item Details" in the pop-up menu, check the box next to "Include item in course grade calculations?", and click "Save Changes".
How to LTI-create your Yellowdig Community
1. Click the left-hand navigation link that you just created, which will launch Yellowdig and prompt you to create your Community for the class. Since the first user to click the link is automatically made the Community Owner, it is important that you click the assignment link and set up your Community before your students can access it.
2. When you click the link, your Community will be created automatically. You can now adjust Community settings and set up points within the platform.
3. To establish grade passback, you and each of your students must launch into Yellowdig through the one graded Assignment link that you created. Be sure to communicate this to your students directly and/or direct them to this help article.
Audience: This help article is for Instructors, Designers, and Administrators. Students or Learners cannot access these settings.