Add Yellowdig to LTI Passport (required)
Create Graded Assignment Type (optional)
Create Yellowdig Assignment (required)
💡Client Success Tip
If Yellowdig has already been configured for your entire institution or department, this guide probably isn't applicable to you. See this guide to learn more about LTI tools like Yellowdig. If you require additional assistance, please reach out to your Yellowdig administrator, or email us at
Do not create multiple graded assignment links. This will create significant grade passback problems for your Community that could be difficult or impossible to reverse. For more information, see our LMS FAQ.
1. Request your LMS Key and Secret from an Organization Administrator who belongs to your Organization. If you do not know who to contact, please reach out to Do not accept Keys and Secrets from Administrators who do not belong to your institutional or departmental Organization.
2. Under Settings, click on Advanced Settings.
3. Scroll down to LTI Passports. Between the two brackets, enter "yellowdig:[network key]:[network secret]", replacing [network key] and [network secret] with the Yellowdig key and secret for your Organization. Be sure to include the quotation marks and the colons. If you have multiple LTI Passports, separate them with commas.
4. Click Save Changes in the black bar at the bottom of your browser. 5. At the top of the Advanced Settings page, go to Advanced Module List. Between the brackets, enter "lti_consumer". Remember the quotation marks. If you have multiple advanced modules, separate them with commas.
Create Graded Assignment Type (optional)
1. Under Settings, click on Grading.
2. At the bottom of the page, click on +New Assignment Type. 3. Fill in the fields as follows:
- Assignment Type Name: Yellowdig Discussion
- Abbreviation: YD
- Weight of Total Grade: [Whatever you want Yellowdig to be worth as a percentage of the total grade. We recommend a value between 10 and 20]
- Total Number: 1
- Number of Droppable: 0
Create Yellowdig Assignment (required)
1. Under Content, go to Outline. 2. Click on + New Section, followed by + New Subsection, followed by + New Unit.
3. Name the section Yellowdig and click on the Advanced button.
4. Select LTI Consumer. Then select Edit. 5. Fill in the fields as follows, keeping in mind that you must set LTI Launch Target to "New Window" and that you must enable "Request user's email" to achieve successful LTI launches.
- Display Name: Yellowdig
- LTI Application Information: [insert custom description tailored to your students]
- LTI ID: yellowdig
- Custom Parameters: [leave blank]
- LTI Launch Target: New Window. [To accommodate iOS and Safari 13+ users, for whom opening Yellowdig in an iFrame may be impossible, we strongly recommend "New Window".]
- Button Text: Yellowdig
- Scored: True [if using grade passback]
- Weight: [to reduce rounding errors, we recommend allocating at least 100 points to Yellowdig]
- Hide External Tool: False
- Accept Grades Past Deadline: [choose in accordance with your preferences]
- Request User's Username: [choose in accordance with your preferences]
- Request User's Email: True
- Request User's Full Name: True
6. To create a new Yellowdig Community for your students, click on the link to Yellowdig in the live version of your Open edX course and follow the Community creation steps. 7. To associate grades passed back by Yellowdig with the Yellowdig Discussion graded assignment type (optional), click on the gear icon for the Yellowdig subsection and select "Yellowdig Discussion" under Grade as.
Audience: This help article is for Instructors, Designers, and Administrators. Students or Learners cannot access these settings.