#1: Encourage class-related questions
Create question-oriented topics and instruct learners to tag course-related questions tagged with those topics. Creating these sorts of topics and reminding learners to use them will allow learners to answer each others’ questions for you, saving you from answering the same question 10 times for each individual learner. If you think a specific answer is the "right" one and you want to indicate that to your class, you can simply mark it with a "Verified Response" accolade. Students can also filter their feeds by the "Verified Response" accolade, which can serve as a useful study aid.
Why? If you consistently give Accolades to those who post good answers to others' questions, the instructor recognition and points from those accolades will encourage them to respond to each other quickly and accurately. And once learners realize they can get accurate answers faster through Yellowdig, they’ll stop flooding your email inbox.
#2: Quickly give good feedback
Yellowdig provides you quick, easy, and readily accessible ways to interact with students and provide them feedback: commenting on and reacting to students' posts, giving accolades, and even flagging posts if necessary. Moreover, the platform is easily accessible from mobile or the web, so you can provide feedback whenever you have a spare moment (e.g., while waiting for a meeting to start or during travel).
Why? Students expect regular interaction and prompt feedback. But feedback is usually time-consuming and difficult for instructors to give, especially in large or online classes. Yellowdig facilitates and accelerates giving good feedback, and we recommend that instructors take advantage of our many feedback-oriented features.
Audience: This help article is for Instructors, Designers, and Administrators.