Points System Page | Participation Settings

Points System Basics
If your community has already begun
Points System
Start and End Date
Participation Expectation
Pass Grade to Your Gradebook


Points System Basics

To access the Participation Settings page go to the side navigation menu of the community -> Settings -> Point System. Note: Sometimes the side navigation menu isn't visible on smaller screens, click the button on the upper left of the page to expand the navigation menu(s). The first option on the Points System page is a dropdown menu to enable participation points. It's recommended to keep participation points on. Points help encourage meaningful interaction and active engagement in your community. The Points System page includes:

  • Points System
  • Point Earning Rules
  • Point Earning Window
  • Participation Expectation
  • Pass Grades to Your Gradebook
  • Accolades
  • Topics

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If your community has already begun

The screenshot below is the view you'll see if your community has already begun. Certain options are hidden that have the potential to change the past points earning of members of your community. However you can see them by clicking on "Additional Point Settings". During a community you can safely make changes to Points Earning Rules, you can toggle the Pass Grades to Your Gradebook, and you can view and edit Accolades. If you have any questions feel free to submit a support ticket here or reach out to us at clientsuccess@yellowdig.com

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Points System

Weekly Points are recommended for most communities. Freeform is designed for communities that have rolling membership, such as clubs, student groups, special events, and rolling enrollment courses.

Start and End Date

You can change the start and end date for earning points in the community here. Your community members will earn points for thoughtful participation during these dates. Curricular community? Typically choose the full length of your course.

Participation Expectation

We recommend keeping the default points settings since they are based on positive outcomes from thousands of communities in Yellowdig. Alternatively, select "Custom Settings" for an advanced point configuration

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Pass Grade to Your Gradebook

If you're using a learning management system (Canvas, Blackboard, D2L, etc.) leave this on to pass grades to that system.


See all the accolades in your community, add new ones or edit existing. For more information on accolades see this guide on Creating and Using Accolades.

Audience: This help article is for Instructors, Designers, and Administrators. Students or Learners cannot access these settings.

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