Enabling and Disabling Emojis

Enable or disable emojis

Students can earn points from their peers by receiving emoji reactions. Instructors determine which emojis students can use. By default, some potentially offensive emojis are disabled. To disable or enable specific emojis, please follow the steps below. 

Note: If you disable all emojis, students will no longer be able to give or receive reactions.

Enable or disable emojis

  1. Navigate to Settings → Emojis.
  2. Under "Enabled Emojis", click on the emojis you wish to disable. They will subsequently appear under "Disabled Emojis".
  3. Under "Disabled Emojis", click on the emojis you wish to enable. They will subsequently appear under "Enabled Emojis".
  4. To disable or enable all emojis, click the Disable all or Enable all button, respectively.
  5. When you're done, click the SUBMIT button.

Screenshot depicting steps listed above to enable or disable Emojis

Audience: This help article is for Instructors, Designers, and Administrators. Students or Learners cannot access these settings.

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