Moodle LTI 1.1 Course Setup Guide [FOR INSTRUCTORS]

How to integrate Yellowdig with your Moodle Course
How to LTI-create a Yellowdig Community

💡Client Success Tip

If Yellowdig has already been configured for your entire institution or department, skip the first section and start at "How to LTI-create a Yellowdig Community".

How to integrate Yellowdig with your Moodle Course

1.Request your LMS Key and Secret from an Organization Administrator who belongs to your Organization. If you do not know who to contact, please reach out to support@yellowdig.comDo not accept Keys and Secrets from Administrators who do not belong to your institutional or departmental Organization.

2. Click on Site administration.

3. Click on the Plugins tab, followed by the Plugins overview link.

4. Under Activity modules, scroll down to "External tool" and click Settings.

5. Click Add preconfigured tool and configure the tool as follows:

  • Tool name = Yellowdig
  • Tool base URL/cartridge URL =
    • If you encounter a signature validation error, be sure to include the https:// prefix.
  • Consumer key = [your institutional key]
  • Shared secret = [your institutional secret]
  • Default launch container = "New window". (To accommodate iOS and Safari 13+ users, for whom opening Yellowdig in an iFrame may be impossible, we strongly recommend not embedding.)
  • Click the Save changes button to submit the configuration.

Please click here if you're unable to watch the video below. 

How to LTI-create a Yellowdig Community


Do not create multiple graded activities for Yellowdig for a single course. This will create significant grade passback problems for your Community that could be difficult or impossible to reverse. For more information, see our LTI FAQ.

1. Return to your Moodle course page, and ensure that editing is turned on.

2. Click +Add an activity or resource. Then select "External Tool" and click the Add button.

3. Create a custom activity name. For your preconfigured tool, select "Yellowdig". Configure your grading column in accordance with your preferences. When you are done, click the Save and display button.

Screenshot of Adding a New External Tool page. Grade type is Point, and Maximum Grade is 100. 4. Click on your new Yellowdig assignment to create your Community.

5. If grading is enabled, you and each of your students must launch into Yellowdig through the one graded Assignment link that you created. Be sure to communicate this to your students directly and/or direct them to this help article.

Audience: This help article is for Instructors, Designers, and Administrators. Students or Learners cannot access these settings.

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