Log into Yellowdig on your mobile device
Add Yellowdig to your mobile home screen on Android
Add Yellowdig to your mobile home screen on iPhone
Navigate Yellowdig mobile view
How to interact in Yellowdig mobile view

Yellowdig is a responsive web application that automatically changes its layout to accommodate small browser windows. In other words, Yellowdig automatically renders in Yellowdig mobile view on phones and tablets, allowing users to access Yellowdig on their mobile devices inside a mobile-friendly user interface. Accessing Yellowdig on your phone or tablet is as easy as opening your browser and logging into Yellowdig.

Log into Yellowdig on your mobile device

If you already have a Yellowdig account, you can log in by going to on your device, clicking Sign In in the upper-right hand corner, and submitting your login credentials on the next page. Your username is the email address associated with your Yellowdig account. If you do not know your Yellowdig password, Click Recover Password (alternatively, just visit

Once you've logged into Yellowdig on your device, your session should remain valid for a significant period of time. Hence, you can access Yellowdig on your phone without having to submit login credentials every time. (Note: The password entered in the video below is not a genuine password.)

Add Yellowdig to your mobile home screen on Android

Adding Yellowdig to your mobile home screen helps you launch into the platform with just a single tap. Follow these simple steps from your mobile browser:

  1. Sign in to from one of the recommended mobile browsers (Chrome or Firefox)
  2. Tap on the meatball menu (three horizontal dots) and select the "Add to Home Screen" option
  3. Edit the name (optional) and tap on "Add"
  4. Tap on "Add Automatically" to see an icon appearing on your mobile home screen.

Add Yellowdig to your mobile home screen on iPhone

  1. Navigate to your Yellowdig Community on your iPhone
  2. Click the Share Icon at the right of the address bar at the top right of your screen. (in Chrome). In Safari, the address bar and Share icon are at the bottom of your screen.
  3. Scroll down below icons to the list of actions
  4. Keep scrolling until you find Add to Home Screen. Then click the + icon
  5. Accept or edit the Icon name and then click Add, and the icon for your community should appear on your iPhone home screen. Click to enter your community.

Navigate Yellowdig mobile view

When you first enter the platform, you may be asked to choose your organization. After you've selected your org and proceeded to the next screen, you'll land on your My Communities page. From there, you can click on the collapsed menu icon () to Discover new communities, open Messages, and view Notifications. (Note: Press the Play icon on the videos below to play the screen recording.)

Inside a Community, you can navigate to different pages via the menu icon (upper left-hand corner), and you can view grades and apply feed filters via the bullet list icon (upper right-hand corner).

If you are Community Owner or Facilitator, you can view and interact with admin pages, including the Network Graph and Community Health portal.

How to interact in Yellowdig mobile view

Click the +CREATE button to begin composing a Post. You can use the rich text editor to format text, and you can add Topics, Emojis, and other items from the Post Toolbox, just as you would in Yellowdig desktop view.

Finally, you can ReadReact, and Reply to Posts. You can also use your finger or a stylus to create a drawing inside a Post or Comment using the Draw tool.

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