Troubleshoot Access Issues to Yellowdig from a Course Page (LMS)

Solution A - Try A Different Browser
Solution B - Clear Your Browser Cache, but Avoid Incognito Mode
Solution C - Enable Cookies
Solution D - Disable Potentially Problematic Extensions
Solution E - Use a Mobile Phone to Ensure It Is Not Your Network Connection, Computer, or Your Specific Account
Solution F - To Verify if There is an Existing Account

If you attempt to launch into Yellowdig from within your Learning Management System course (e.g., Canvas, Blackboard) and encounter a sign-in screen or an error warning, this is likely due to your browser, your network, or an error in your instructor's Yellowdig installation.

Before contacting support, please try the troubleshooting steps below, as they often do the trick. If problems persist, please submit a support ticket here, providing as much information as you can about the steps you tried and the specific errors you encountered. The more information you provide us, the quicker we will be able to get you into the platform.

Solution A - Try A Different Browser

Try switching to Firefox or Chrome and update your browser.

Are you using an older Chromebook? If you're using an older Chromebook model you may have an old version of Chrome that is incompatible. Download Firefox on your device.

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Yellowdig typically works best with Firefox and Chrome, and certain access issues are traceable to outdated browsers or security-related policies. Many of these problems are solvable by simply using a different browser if you have that option. If you do this, and you are prompted to allow cookies for your LMS or our website, allow them. Yellowdig needs cookies enabled to log you in. If, due to accessibility-related reasons, you are not able to use a different browser, please submit a support ticket and we will promptly assist you.

Solution B - Clear Your Browser Cache, but Avoid Incognito Mode

Sometimes data cached on your system can cause conflicts with new data being loaded. These issues can often be addressed by clearing your browser cache/history. However, you should avoid accessing Yellowdig in Incognito mode. This can prevent Yellowdig from opening inside your Learning Management System course.

Solution C - Enable Cookies

Yellowdig requires access to 3rd party cookies to be enabled. Here's how to make sure cookies are enabled in a few popular browsers:

Solution D - Disable Potentially Problematic Extensions

Some extensions cause conflicts with our system. Try disabling extensions or whitelisting Yellowdig therein. Common examples of such extensions are Grammarly, Ghostery, and Ad Blocker Plus.

Solution E - Use a Mobile Phone to Ensure It Is Not Your Network Connection, Computer, or Your Specific Account 

One way to determine if your network or your computer/browser might be the problem is to turn Wi-Fi off on your phone and attempt to launch into Yellowdig via your Learning Management System course. If you can launch on your phone via a mobile connection, it rules out the possibility that there is something wrong with your account or the link in the course and tells us that a problem with your browser/computer or your network is blocking your access.

Solution F - To Verify if There is an Existing Account

In some scenarios, an existing Yellowdig user will launch Yellowdig from a new integration. During this launch, if their email or ID matches an existing user id, they will be prompted to verify that they indeed own the matching account. (See image below).


  1. Click "SEND EMAIL" to receive a one-time use link to log in to your existing account.

    Make sure to check the spam folder to make sure that your Institution's email service is not blocking incoming emails from

  2. Click "ENTER PASSWORD" if you remember the password associated with the mentioned email address.

    If you forgot your password, recover the password here.



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