Anonymous Post Visibility
Community Members...
Community Owners and Facilitators...
Creating an Anonymous Post
De-anonymizing an Anonymous Post
Enabling or Disabling Anonymous Posting (for Owners and Facilitators)
By default, everyone in a Community can see who authored each post or comment. However, depending on Community Settings, Community Members can choose to post or comment anonymously. While anonymous posting conceals the identity of the author from other Community Members, Community Owners and Facilitators can always see who authored every post and comment.
Anonymous Post Visibility
Community Members...
- Can create anonymous posts if a Community Owner or Facilitator has enabled anonymous posting.
- Can de-anonymize their own anonymous posts.
- Can earn points from anonymous posts.
- Cannot see who authored anonymous posts.
- Cannot see a Community Member's anonymous posts when filtering their Community Feed by the anonymous author's name.
- Cannot retroactively anonymize non-anonymous posts.
Community Owners and Facilitators...
- Can enable or disable anonymous posting.
- Can see who authored anonymous posts.
- Can create anonymous posts. (The identity of the author will be visible to other Owners and Facilitators, but not to mere Members.)
- Can de-anonymize their own anonymous posts.
- Can see a Community Member's anonymous posts when filtering their Community Feed by the anonymous author's name.
- Can earn points from anonymous posts.
- Cannot de-anonymize other Community Members' anonymous posts.
- Cannot retroactively anonymize non-anonymous posts.
Creating an Anonymous Post
- Open the post editor by clicking the Create button.
- Inside the post editor, click the Make Anonymous button that looks like this:
- If you change your mind, click on the same button to Make Author Visible before posting.
- When you're ready, click POST.
Please click here if you're unable to watch the video below.
De-anonymizing an Anonymous Post
- Navigate to the post you wish to de-anonymize.
- Click on the ellipsis in the upper-right-hand corner of the post for More Options.
- Select Edit.
- Click the
button to Make Author Visible button.
- Click POST.
Please click here if you're unable to watch the video below.
Enabling or Disabling Anonymous Posting (for Owners and Facilitators)
- Inside your Community, go to Settings → Basics.
- Scroll down to the Allow anonymous posting option.
- Turn the slider ON to allow anonymous posting from here on out. Turn OFF to prohibit anonymous posting from here on out.
- NOTE: This setting does not apply retroactively. If anonymous posting was ON and you subsequently turn it OFF, all anonymous posts created while anonymous posting was ON will remain anonymous. In all circumstances, only the post author has the authority to de-anonymize their own anonymous posts.