Linking and Unlinking an Existing Community to your Course Page

Link an Existing Community to your LMS Course 
Unlink an Existing Community from your LMS Course(s)
Link one Community to two LMS Courses

Link an Existing Community to your LMS Course

💡Client Success Tip

LMS is an abbreviation for Learning Management System.

To learn more about LMS course integrations such Canvas, Blackboard etc. Please click here.

To connect an existing Yellowdig community to your LMS course page (whether that community is already connected to another LMS course shell or not), when you launch into Yellowdig click the "Click Here" button, as shown below.

Not seeing the community? you'll need to be the owner of the community (or aliased in as them in your course page) to link a community.

That should open a new Link Community screen. Click in the Community to Link text box and a dropdown menu of Yellowdig communities owned by you will appear. Choose the community you wish to link.

Once you've selected the desired community to link click SUBMIT

Unlink an Existing Community from your LMS Course(s)

If you have linked the wrong course(s) to your Yellowdig community, there is an option to unlink. This removes all links between that community and your LMS course(s). The most common use case for this feature is for folks that want to link a course page to a different community or create a new community.

To access the feature navigate to Settings -> Admin Actions 

On the Admin Actions page, you'll see an "Unlink Community from LMS" button. Clicking this will sever the connection(s) between your Yellowdig community and your Learning Management System (LMS). Learners will no longer be able to access this community from the associated course page(s). Grades from Yellowdig will also no longer pass to your Gradebook.





Be 100% Sure if you want to unlink this community from LMS before confirmation.


Connecting two LMS shells to the same Yellowdig Community

Connecting the same Yellowdig Community to two distinct course shells is possible (though not vice versa). You can do this following the same instructions as above.

Students from both LMS course shells will earn points; however, It's worth noting that Yellowdig can only pass back grades to one LMS shell at a time, though everyone will still be able to earn points within the Yellowdig Community. You can use the Yellowdig Points Report for reference to manually copy the student grades from the second section to the appropriate LMS grade book. 

Audience: This help article is for Instructors, Designers, and Administrators. Students or Learners cannot access these settings.

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