Yellowdig Orientation Guide [FOR LEARNERS]

1. Welcome to Yellowdig!
2. Learn Yellowdig in Under 3 Minutes
3. How Does Yellowdig Work?
4. Grades and Grade Passback

Welcome! In this orientation guide, we will show you how to get started in Yellowdig, and get on the path to success in your community. After watching the short videos below (10 minutes combined), if you still have any questions, try searching for help on our Knowledge Base website. You can also contact support by submitting a ticket here.

1. Welcome to Yellowdig!

Please click here if you're unable to watch the video above.

2. Learn Yellowdig in Under 3 Minutes


Inside of your Yellowdig community, you can find specific information on earning points for posts, comments, and other point categories by clicking on the "Show details" link located below the summary of your points in the top right. You can learn more about earning points in this article.

3. How Does Yellowdig Work?

Yellowdig is different from your average discussion board. It's designed to help you connect more with your classmates and course material by promoting active learning and community building. Learn more in this video:

Please click here if you're unable to watch the video above.

4. Grades and Grade Passback

This video describes the Yellowdig grade and what grade gets passed to your LMS (Blackboard , Canvas, D2L, Moodle, etc.)

You can learn more about grades and grade passback here.

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