What is Yellowdig?
Learner Resources
Getting Started
Posting & Commenting
How To Guides
Grading: Points and Participation
What is Yellowdig?
Learning communities that connect learners and empower educators. These communities allow conversations and content sharing to foster genuine relationships, build skills, and promote deeper learning, enabling students to thrive.
As information is increasingly digitized and widely available, reading textbooks and memorizing facts is no longer the primary way to drive learning. Collaborative interactions with professors and peers are an increasingly valuable part of the learning experience. Yellowdig provides an easy means for learners and other users to communicate and collaborate about class content and share a broad array of timely and relevant learning resources from the wider world (e.g., videos, news articles, blogs, and more).
With Yellowdig, learning is not limited to class time or face-to-face interactions and becomes a shared goal of the entire learning community (i.e., your classes, departments, etc.). Community members can learn from each other, anytime, anywhere, from any device, creating a connected learning experience.
Learner Resources
Please find below the most frequently used Yellowdig help resources. Also, visit the Yellowdig Knowledge Base to find more learning resources and answers to your questions.
Getting Started
Yellowdig Orientation Guide. Welcome! This orientation guide will show you how to get started in Yellowdig and get on the path to success in your community. After watching the short intro videos, if you still have questions, explore the Knowledge Base website.
Posting & Commenting
There are many ways to participate in your Yellowdig community. You can ask questions, start interesting conversations with other community members, join conversations with replies and comments, and more. Here are some of the features and functions available:
- Add topics
- Upload images, videos or files
- Poll your Community
- Record video or audio
- Add emojis
- Add formulas
- Add & edit tables
- Share coding projects
- Freehand draw and annotate images
Learn more about these features & functions.
How To Guides
- Search, Filter, and Sort
- How Drafts Work
- Mentions, Hashtags, and Reactions
- How to Change Your Notifications Settings
Grading: Points and Participation
The following articles provide insights into points, grades, and grade passback.
- Getting Points and Passing Your Yellowdig Grade to the Course Page (Canvas, Blackboard, D2L, etc.)
- Accolades