Archiving a Community
Restrict Access to Archived Community
Archived Communities List
Un-archiving a Community
In Yellowdig, communities are spaces for continuous engagement and learning. However, there comes a time when a community may need to be archived. This can be useful to restrict access to the community or ensure only active communities appear in various places in the application, improving organization and making it faster to find active communities. This article explains how the archival process works and the implications regarding user experience, data, and recovery.
Archiving a Community
Who can archive a community?
Archiving a community is restricted to the Community Owner or a Yellowdig Administrator. This ensures that the decision to archive is carefully considered and authorized.
How to archive a community?
For convenience, a community can be archived using one of two ways:
Method #1:
In the community you'd like to archive, go to Settings > Admin Actions and click the Archive Community button.
Method #2:
On My Communities page, locate the community you'd like to archive on the list and click the Archive Community button, which appears as a filing cabinet on the far right of the card.
Follow the confirmation prompts to finalize the archiving procedure.
Restrict Access to Archived Community
Attempting to access an archived community through a permalink or a previously saved URL will result in an informative error screen. This measure clearly communicates the community's status and prevents confusion.
Archived Communities List
Archived communities are tagged with with the corresponding status and listed under the Archived status filter on My Communities page.
Un-archiving a Community
We understand there may come a case in which access to an archived community will need to be restored for various reasons. For convenience, a Community Owner or a Yellowdig Administrator can un-archive a community in one of two ways:
Method 1: By clicking the Un-archive button in the community card in My Communities page
Method 2: By using the Un-archive this community button when visiting the permalink of an archived community:
Who has permission to archive?
Only the Community Owner or a Yellowdig Administrator has permission to archive a community.
Is data deleted from archived communities?
No, data within an archived community is not deleted as part of the archiving process. However, notifications related to the archived community will be removed to prevent users from encountering broken links.
What happens to the content and points earned?
All information and data in a community associated with a user’s profile, content, and earned points are archived (not deleted) and inaccessible. If it was an LTI-integrated community, archiving it does not affect the score in the Learning Management System (LMS).
Who should I contact with questions about an archived community?
For any inquiries related to the status of an archived community, please reach out to the Community Owner or a Yellowdig Administrator. They will be able to provide guidance or take action as necessary.
Archiving a community in Yellowdig is a process designed to help manage the lifecycle of community engagement. Whether you're looking to declutter your dashboard or restrict your learner's access to your community, our support team is here to assist with every step. For further assistance or questions, do not hesitate to contact us at