Discovering Communities
Joining Communities
Making Your Community Discoverable
Community Permissions Across the Organization

Discovering Communities

There are three ways to join Communities in Yellowdig:

  1. LTI-launch from your course, i.e., through a direct link in your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.)
  2. Direct invitation from the Community Facilitator
  3. Discovery

All Communities are joinable via direct invitation, and all Communities associated with an LMS course are joinable via LTI-launch. Students should generally join their course's Yellowdig Community via LTI-launch, and external guests should join Yellowdig Communities via direct invitation. But there are cases where a Community Facilitator might want to make their Community discoverable to Community Members of their Organization. For example:

  • A Community Facilitator might want Community Members within the university to find and join a Community for their reading group.
  • A student might want peers to find and join a Community for their intramural sports league.
  • A student life administrator might want students to find and join a Community that advertises campus events.

Communities can be discovered from the Discover page. All discoverable Communities within your current Organization and its Sub-organizations will appear here. To discover Communities in a different Organization of which you are a Member, you must first switch Organizations.

Joining Communities

There are two different ways to join a discoverable Community, depending on the permission level of the Community. Public Communities can be explored by clicking on the corresponding block in the Discover page. If, after exploring the Community, you decide that you want to join the Community, click the Join Community button in the upper right-hand corner of the Members List page. Some private Communities can be discovered on the Discover page, but they cannot be freely explored. To join a private Community, you must request access by clicking on the corresponding block and submitting a join request.

Making Your Community Discoverable

When you create Communities through Yellowdig, you are required to specify the Community Permission Level. By definition, public Communities can be discovered, explored, and freely joined by Members of your Organization. If you set your Community's permission level to private, you can decide whether your Community will appear in the Discover page. If you set the discovery toggle to , your Community will be discoverable by Members of your Organization, but they will not be able to explore or join your Community without your approval.

Community Permissions Across the Organization

The table below summarizes discovery, exploration, and joining privileges by Community permission level and Organization Role: Table of community permissions across the organization

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