Manual Grade Passback [FOR INSTRUCTORS]

When learners access their Yellowdig Community from an integrated link in their Course page, their grades are automatically synced to their Course Page Gradebook approximately every hour after a grade change occurs for them in Yellowdig. However, if necessary, there is also an option to manually sync grades. 

Run a Manual Grade Passback

Step 1: Access your Yellowdig Community

To begin, log in to your Yellowdig account and navigate to the community in which you want to run a Grade Passback. If you're unsure how to log in or access your community, please refer to the Yellowdig Knowledge Base articles on account management and community navigation.

Step 2: Navigate to the Grade Passback Page

Once you're inside the desired community, locate the navigation menu on the top left-hand side of the page -> select Grade Passback under Management in the side menu.


Step 3 (optional): Check if Learners Have Established a Grade Connection to Your Course

First, you may want to check that your learners have established a grade connection between your course page and your community:

You can use the Grade Passback page to identify the learners who haven't yet established grade passback. The message "N/A" appears if a learner did not join the community using the assignment link, indicating that grade passback has not been configured for that learner. To resolve this, the learner must click on the Yellowdig Assignment link at least once. This step is necessary to set up grade passback. Afterward, the learner can access Yellowdig in any way, including signing in directly to the platform.

Once you've confirmed that learner grades are connected from your course page to Yellowdig, you can run a manual grade passback per Step 4.

Step 4: Run Manual Grade Passback

Click on ↺ RUN GRADE PASSBACK. A progress bar will load your request on top of the page, and you will see the updates on Last Passed At & Grade Passback Result

Below is a student view of the Points Details that shows up when they click Show Details in the right-hand side points panel. Optionally, learners can click the refresh icon below their Yellowdig Grade to sync their Grades manually.

Audience: This help article is for Instructors, Designers, and Administrators. Students or Learners do not have access to these settings.

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