Engaged User


An engagement is an action in Yellowdig. Only the following actions counts as engagements:

  • Creating a Post or Comment.
  • Reacting to a Post or Comment.
  • Viewing a Post.
  • Giving an accolade.
  • Granting or retracting ad hoc points.

Engaged User

An engaged user is a Yellowdig user who performs at least one engagement during a specified period of time. Unlike courseware licenses, engaged users can occupy multiple seats and still count as just one user. 


  • One student is engaged in 3 Yellowdig Communities = 1 engaged user.
  • Student A is engaged in 2 Yellowdig Communities, while Student B is engaged in 1 Yellowdig Community = and 2 engaged users.
  • One student accidentally creates a Yellowdig account but never performs an engagement = 0 engaged users.

Audience: This help article is for Instructors, Designers, and Administrators.

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