Pending Communities
Organization Administrators have access to a suite of Organization settings, actions, and views. To what settings an Administrator has access may depend on their Organization Tier and on constraints established by higher-Tier Administrators. However, most Organization Administrators should have access to the features described in this article.
If you're an Organization Administrator, you should see a gear icon in the left hand corner of the upper banner. You will only see this icon if you're currently inside an Organization for which you have Administrator privileges. To change settings in an Organization other than the one you're currently in, you will need to switch Organizations.
To access Organization Settings, navigate to Organization Options (above the avatar icon) → Organization Settings. From there, you should have access to five pages in the second-to-leftmost navigation panel: Overview, Settings, Members, Communities, Organizations, Defaults, Pending Communities, Reports, and Danger. We describe each in turn.
In the middle of the page, you'll see a list of recent activities. In the right-hand panel, you'll see a list of high-level organizational metrics along with your LTI key and secret (explained below).
This page contains your LTI key and secret; your Contract Start and End Dates; and several configurable settings. The LTI key and secret are used to connect your Yellowdig Organization to your institution's Learning Management System (e.g., Blackboard, Canvas), and they are valid until the Contract End Date elapses. Only share your key and secret with instructors whose Communities belong in your Organization.
You can also change your Organization's logo by clicking on the image with the dotted border. You can change the Title of your Organization but not the Name of your Organization.
The Title of your Organization is what appears on the Organization Settings page and in the Discover tab. The Name of your Organization is what appears next to the gear icon and in the URL. For example, if your Organization Title is "Yellowdig University" and your Organization Name is "yellowdig-university", "Yellowdig University" will surface in the Discover tab, and your domain name will be Changing the Title (but not the Name) allows you to change and customize your Organizations without destroying extant URL links.
From here, you can view and promote existing Organization Members and invite users to your Organization. You can filter Members by Role (Community Owner, Organization Admin), by username, and by email address. To promote or remove a Member from your Organization, simply click on the relevant row and make the corresponding selection. To invite a user to your Organization, click on the green Invite button, enter the email address(es), and indicate whether you're inviting the user(s) as an admin. Be judicious about promoting users to Administrator status and inviting users as Administrators.
This page contains links to every Community that appears in your Organization and your Organization's Sub-organizations. You can search Communities by title, and you can fully explore any Community in your Organization.
If there are any Sub-organizations in your Organization, they will appear here. Clicking on the Sub-organization link will take you directly to that Sub-organization's Settings page. You can also create new Sub-organizations from this page. You can set your own Organization Title (which appears in the Discover tab) and Organization Name (which appears in the URL). The LTI key and secret are set automatically.
This is where you set the Default Community for your Organization. The Default Community establishes the default point settings and Community settings for new Communities created within your Organization (e.g., points for Posts, enabled emojis, banned words, etc.). To create a default Community, click the CREATE DEFAULT COMMUNITY button.
Pending Communities
If new Communities require Organization Administrator approval in your Organization, you will need to go here to approve or deny newly created Communities. Pending communities can be found in Organization Settings - Pending Communities.
If a community is created without approval yet, a maximum of 20 posts will be permitted, and then at that point creating new posts will be blocked until the community is approved by an org admin. The "Create" button will be disabled, but members would still be able to comment on others' posts.
Audience: This help article is for Yellowdig Organization Administrators. Users without this level of permission will not have access to the settings in this article. Students, learners, and most instructors cannot access these settings.